About This Event
Event Name: Montini Walk with Local Biologist: Explore Plant Communities
Event Date: Friday, February 14, 9:00-11:30 am
Meeting Location: 4th Street West and Haraszthy Drive, Sonoma, 95476
Event Leads: Grep Perrier [email protected] and Tony Passantino [email protected]
Join Sonoma Ecology Center, in partnership with Sonoma County Ag + Open Space, to explore the different plant communities in Montini Open Space Preserve with us! This walk will be led by retired field botanist Greg Perrier. For each community, you will learn about the late spring wildflowers and transition to the summer golden hills. The walk will include discussion of management concerns, and the factors that control the distribution of the community within the preserve. The Montini Open Space Preserve was protected by Sonoma County Ag + Open Space in December 2005 for recreation and preservation of its natural and rich historic significance has been a working ranch since the time of General Vallejo. The preserve, which encompasses 152 acres, is in and adjacent to the City of Sonoma. With oak woodland, large rock outcroppings, and open grassland, the property offers beautiful views of San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. Due to occasionally steep trails and uneven footing, the hike is rated intermediate; however, frequent pauses will allow hikers to catch their breath.
There is no charge for the outing, which is made possible by the voters of Sonoma County who fund the work of Ag + Open Space with a quarter-cent sales tax.