Photo by Marielle V Chua

Location Information

  • Sonoma Garden Park
  • 19996 7th St E, Sonoma, CA, 95476 US

Register Now: *

  • Native Plant Gardening Workshop

    Native Plant Gardening Workshop

    March 8, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
    You may only register for one person at a time. If you wish to bring a guest, they must complete their own separate registration.

    [Sold Out]

To help us understand who we're reaching, please answer the following optional questions. If you skip these questions, you will still be able to register for this event.

Participant Waiver

A signed waiver by event participant or parent/guardian will be required in order to complete registration. A link to obtain waivers for all registrants will be shown on the confirmation page.

Suggested Amounts

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software