UPDATE 2/15/25: This event is sold out.
Join Certified California Naturalist John Lynch on his wondrous wildflower walks. From the White Barn, we’ll scout Hillside Trail to Brushy Peaks turning around at the Neptune picnic table and back on Meadow Trail.
Wear hiking shoes, layers appropriate for weather, bring at least a quart of water, a camera, wildflower guides (if you have one), and if desired, a snack. Parking fees apply. Heavy rain cancels.
Ease of access: The White Barn parking lot has one van-accessible parking space and an accessible porta-potty. Hillside Trail is a single-track dirt trail for 0.1mi that widens into a 2-mile fire road loop with two 100-foot hills and a small stream crossing with a wooden plank for a bridge. Brushy Peaks Trail is a rugged single-track dirt trail with 650 feet of elevation and a short section of steps. Meadow is a mostly flat composite trail manageable by strollers and wheelchairs from the trailhead to about a mile in, although officially not an ADA-compliant trail.