Join Desi Harp, member of the Mishewal-Wappo tribe, on a 2-mile botanical walk and chat from the Wappo perspective. Learn about traditional uses of plants, whether edible, medicinal, or general.
Meet at the White Barn. Wear comfortable shoes, sun protection, bring at least a quart of water, a camera, plant identifying guides (if you have one), and if desired, a snack. Parking fees apply. Heavy rain cancels.
Ease of access: The White Barn parking lot has one van-accessible parking space and an accessible porta-potty. The route from the White Barn lot to the Meadow trailhead is a paved road approximately 0.1 miles long. Meadow is a mostly flat composite trail manageable by strollers and wheelchairs from the trailhead to about a mile in, although officially not an ADA-compliant trail.