Join wildflower poet and Sugarloaf docent Phil Weil on this wildflower walk along Lower Bald Mountain and Meadow Trails. Meet outside the Visitor Center, about 1/4 past the entrance kiosk, to the right. Tickets are $10 general, $5 for youth (12-17 year olds; must be accompanied by an adult), students, Sugarloaf members, Sugarloaf volunteers, and free for children under 18. Wear comfortable shoes, sun protection, bring at least a quart of water, and if desired, a snack, a camera, and/or a wildflower identification guide. Parking fees apply; rains cancel.
Ease of access: The main parking lot has one van-accessible parking space and an accessible vault toilet. There is no running water in this area. The Lower Bald Mountain trailhead beginning from the main parking lot is a single-track dirt and gravel trail with narrow sections, steps, switchbacks, and an elevation gain of at least 150 feet to the junction with the Robert Ferguson Observatory. The Meadow Trail is a mostly-flat, unpaved fire road of approximately one mile in length with some sections in full sun exposure.